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CMS For Mobile Websites

Written By SINAR INDO BRASS on Sunday 22 April 2012 | 23:21

Studies show that more than 78 percent of mobile phone users access the Internet on their phones. As much as 40 percent of these users purchase products and services via their phone.
To ensure your phone is mobile-ready, you must find a valuable Content Management System designed for mobile websites.
Webmasters wishing to expand their target audience to users of mobile phones, mobile devices, and smart phones, will need to do their research to find a dynamic CMS portal that makes creating content on their mobile-ready site quick and easy.

Top 5 Free CMS For Mobile Websites

Swift is a mobile site creation tool that gives you the power you need to create and manage any mobile-ready website. If you are ready to go mobile and you are operating on a strict marketing budget, consider trying Swift. This mobile website Content Management System is completely free to use and gives you the tools you need to extend your brand beyond the reach of traditional Internet users.
Wap-2-Go is a mobile CMS tool that allows you to enter content and data onto your site without manually writing codes and scripts. This free CMS portal eliminates the need to learn PHP, HTML, or WML coding. When you utilize Wap-2-Go, your marketing website will be completely accessible to mobile Internet users. Users are asked to make a donation towards the development of the system; however, donations are not required to download the system.
Joomla! is a free, open source Content Management System that has an easy-to-use interface. The site can be used by webmasters at all experience levels. With over 2,300 extensions and plug-ins, Joomla! will satisfy most requirements for most users. This PHP CMS tool has won the Best CMS Award and is improved constantly.
CellAdmin makes the list of free CMS for mobile websites because it is easy to use and offers a database full of monophonic ringtones, polyphonic ringtones, color wallpapers, color screen savers, videos, and Java games. This CMS will make your site viewable to all mobile users and operates in the form of a WAP site with a variety of different skins to choose from.
Micro is a modern CMS framework that is easy-to-use and well written. This free system makes writing and managing PHP webpages and applications quick and simple. This CMS portal will also assess the performance of your website to ensure that it is visible to all mobile web users.

Top 5 Paid CMS For Mobile Websites

If you have a budget set aside to invest in a Content Management System, consider one of the systems below. Each portal has been tested and has passed expert reviews on functionality, features, and ease-of-use.
SiteCore is praised for ease-of-use and is one of the best paid CMS portals on the market. If you are a webmaster looking to design sites specifically for iPhones, Blackberry’s and Android phones, look no further. Every site element is managed with this system to ensure users stay engaged and connected. Sites are easy to create and redesign to maximum SEO.
If you are looking for flexibility and ease-of-use, consider Plone. This Content Management System was developed by experts and is a powerful tool for webmasters. Plone can be translated in over 40 languages, making it the most international CMS on the market. There are many add-on features and Plone can be scripted using easy to comprehend web standards.
Tekora’s motto is “mobile websites made easy”. This definitely rings true. The Mobile Enhancer is customizable and offers a suite of skins, templates, and plug-ins. You can automatically create and manage your mobile site with the Tekora wizard to ensure your customers and prospects have a pleasant experience when they are visiting your site. Tekora offers 3 different package options that will fit any webmaster’s budget.
Mobify Me is one of the leading available mobile web platforms. The Mobile Web Design studio gives webmasters the tools they need to create beautiful, functional mobile websites. If you want to give your visitors a great shopping experience and you want more sales conversions, review the three package deals offered by Mobify and stop wasting money on marketing campaigns that do not deliver results.
Wapple offers a suite of tools for mobile webmasters. Wapple CMS gives you full creative freedom to design your site with existing web applications and templates. You will also have access to statistics and reporting tools to ensure that your site is generating as many leads as possible. Wapple sites are accessible to every mobile device. If you want to optimize your mobile content, review the packages available through Wapple. These packages include Canvas, Architect, and Exhibit products, all varying in price.
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